Corus has established itself as a well-known name in the Leather Bags Industry. As a leather bag manufacturer and trending brand, we blend the latest styles and fashion trends with our creativity to create quality, customer-adored bags. After preparing all bags, we conduct a quality-checking process that builds trust in our brand among customers. Our craftsmen skillfully create our nylon tote bags with love and hard work to enhance your purchasing experience and comfort with us. We feel happy and empowered to continue our work.

Nylon Traditional Shopping Bag Manufacturer Exporter India


Handcrafted in INDIA, our talented and dedicated artisans create each all-leather handbag and tote one at a time. We use fine-quality leather and pay close attention to detail as we create our products. By using the highest grade of leather, we carefully cut each piece from the strongest part of the hide. With strong nylon stitching and carefully selected hardware, we ensure ease of use and durability.

Nylon Traditional Shopping Bag Manufacturer Exporter India

In designing our nylon tote bags we put a high emphasis on ensuring them with guaranteed quality. And…we do guarantee our handbags: if you ever have any problems with the stitching or hardware, we will repair your bag at no cost to you. We affectionately hand-made each piece utilizing the best strategies, goat leather, and materials we know. Each progression, from beginning to end, is purposeful and orderly. We discover the best goat leather in the worldwide market, source it, and then cut, sew, paint, and collect it all in Providence. We strive for perfection, not convenience.

Nylon Traditional Shopping Bag Manufacturer Exporter India


We additionally trust you to put resources into the best individuals to make the best goat leather sacks. We create goat leather products in-house, ensuring that our team completely makes and carefully plans them. This process allows the products to age gracefully and develop a more authentic and enduring patina over time. Our preferred transportation method is money-down (COD) installments, which clients appreciate when they receive their items. If clients are not satisfied with our services or products, we will replace them within that time or within seven days.

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